Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm at work so this will be a post with out pictures. sorry. Post without pictures are kinda boring.

We have been busy! Last night we were all home at one time. At least for dinner. Then Leland had to help mom with computer problems and Makayla had to look up something on the Internet at mom and dad's house. I know we are the last of the household in the civilized world to not have Internet at home. But we haven't had it in several years. And guess what no one has died yet! We have had it show up from one of the neighbors house's from time to time. As is the case right now, if you set on my bed facing the outside wall and put your foot on the wall and hold your right hand above your head. Try taking test on-line that way! So I am push Fuller into making some decisions about the Internet. It goes something like this.... Me "If you ever want to sleep in my bed again you will get me some Internet." Fuller "..... (blank stare)...." He's thinking about it really hard and trying to decide just how comfortable the couch is. :)

Makayla has had 4 Dr appointments in the last 7 days and they were all good. Except the one to the dentist for a cavity. On top of everything else her braces go on in about 4 weeks. We are going to have to sell her to pay for her! It was all good news. There is nothing wrong with her heart. She was dehydrated. So she now gets to drink 72 oz of fluid a day. And add salt to her diet. I'm so relieved that it was nothing more than that. I stopped by Sam's to pick up the mega rolls of TP for her many trips to the potty now.

We were in Springdale all weekend for volleyball. They did great on Saturday. not so great on Sunday. But that's ok. They learned some lessons on stepping it up at the end. We are off this weekend and back at it in Lawrence KS next weekend.

We are also busy working on her potato gun science project. I'll get some pictures for you later!

Hannah is busy with her flute and starting some basketball games.

Jordan is getting ready for the big Pinewood Derby Race next weekend. He loves to veg out!

So if you didn't know I went back to school this semester. ITS KICKING MY BUTT! Totally not getting any sleep freaking out about it. Still now sure what I want to do but I'll be a Jr by fall so I'd better get it figured out! Still working at the store.

It's official a month before we are turning 7 were are closing the Joplin store. Sad but time. So we'll be busy with that in the next couple of weeks.

Leland is still working, doing Boy Scouts, and irritating me! :) He's even learning how to do some housework! Good for him.

Miss everyone!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Volleyball's our business and business is GOOD! !st game of the season and it sure feels good to win! I could go on and on about how hard it is to set and watch them play. How frustrating at time it is to see them not living up to their potential but today I'll just say GREAT job girls!
It was a very good volleyball day. We are Springfield Winterfest Champions. 1st place!

Go Slamrz!

Makayla getting ready for one of her awesome blocks of the day. Man when she is on she is good!
Getting ready to move as soon as the ball is served.
I received a new digital camera for Christmas. It's the perfect size for throwing in my purse. So I've had these pictures on my camera for a week and just now figured out how to get them off. I'm such a rote learner that I can hardly change the way I do things. See you really can't teach an old god new tricks.

This is from this Monday. We ran to Diamond which is about 10 miles southeast of Joplin to pick up Makayla's friend Hannah for volleyball practice. We thought we had a lot of ice until we started driving to her house. We had to stop and get some pictures because we could not believe how much thicker the ice was there.

Most of Joplin has electricity now. Our store didn't get it back until Friday. That was a whole week. I'm so glad we didn't live at the store. We were so blessed to not have lost our electricity for even one minute. 75% of Joplin and 90% of Springfield (250,000 people) lost electricity. Some will not have any for another 2 weeks.

And we are so exited to be getting another ice storm tonight. It was fun to drive home from Makayla's volleyball game in Springfield tonight in an ice storm. Dad, Hannah, Grandma and Grandpa are heading home from Indiana tomorrow. Please pray for safe travels.

Here are the ice pictures. It's amazing. We just don't get weather like this. The kids have been out of school for a week. that makes 8 snow days this year. I can't even tell you how long it has been since that has happened.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

This is what it looks like at my house right now. Gross huh? Why can't it just snow? No it has to be ice. That white stuff may look like snow but it's ice. You can't even make a foot print in it. This started Friday and wont be done until Monday. Monday was supposed to be a make up snow day. Now we don't have school again. We are just thankful we have electricity. 90% of Springfield has none and most of the surrounding area is out.
While Makayla was making breakfast this morning she passed out. We arrived at Urgent Care at 10am. WE got home from the ER at 5pm. What a long day! Still not sure whats wrong. We know it's not blood sugar, thyroid or electrolytes. They are calling it Superaventricular Tachycardia. I think that's what they call it when they don't know what to call it. She goes to the Heart Dr Friday. She is most BUMMED about no sports until then. So please pray for her. And pray that this is a one time deal and they find nothing wrong. I'll keep you up-to-date.

Friday, January 05, 2007

"SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!"
(in my best mad scientist voice)
Where have I been?
Well I didn't get any picture that were worth posting of Christmas. I should take time on Christmas and make the kids pose for some good shots.
I didn't take any picture at out New Years Eve party. I'm not sure what I was thinking! We had about 20 people from church over (only those who were brave* just kidding). We ate (now you know me better than to think we could have a get-together with out eating), played games, and gabbed. Everyone was home by 12:15 and the house was clean (including toilets) by 12:45. We had a great time.
New Year's Day we slept in and went to grandma's for the traditional New Years Day lunch. Corn beef, roast, potatos, carrots, cabbage, bread and cheese cake. Did I take pictures? NO!!! Whats up with me. They are going to fire me from my job of family record keeper.
Since then.... not much.
The kids were home from school for 14 days. Makayla waited until the day to go back to come down with Strep throat. So she didn't go back until today.
On top of being a mom of 3, a job, teaching at church and being the only person in my house that can do any house work.... I've decided to go back to school. It's only been 15 years no big deal right? That's what my pushy friends have been telling me! Well I got my books and syllabus today and I'm pretty sure THIS IS A BIG DEAL! I felt my chest get tight today. I was pretty sure that my arm would start tingling and I would have a heart attack (and my cell phone was dead so I couldn't have called 911). Ok, so I'll keep you up-to-date about the living hell I've just signed myself up for.
We are making some big decisions at work right now. Please pray for us. Needless to say it's been kinda hairy. I've got some big things going on this month. Trying to get everyone excited about scrapbooking again. What's wrong with everyone? I can't imagine not having that as a creative outlet.
Well I promise to not post anymore without pictures. I'll dig something good up and post later.
I think about so many of you so often! Thanks for being part of my world!