Since May 8
Hannah has had 4 softball games
Jordan had had 3 games
Jordan went to a dairy farm for a field trip (as soon as I find that card I'll post some pictures)
Hannah and Jordan had
Cougar Olympics at school
Leland took the kids to Roaring River for the weekend to enjoy Kid's fishing day
Makayla has been buster he hump finishing up her classes and getting ready for finals
And I've had a class everyday
SO... I haven't been posting much. I'm fact in my spare time I've been doing laundry and cleaning the house.
We have ball games every night this week and
Makayla has finals all week. Friday is the last day of school for the kids. I always feel out of sorts this time of year. Too much change. Too much business. Too much rushing to finish things up. Just
tooooooo mucchhhhh!
So I'm feeling out of sorts this week trying to get over it! I
dont even have a picture to add to this
post. Sorry!!!!! I'll get it together soon I promise!