Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Should I be doing something besides blogging?

Sure... but this is a nice distraction.

Here are 2 pictures from my back yard. The first one is the shed that burnt last night. The second one is a house that is a block away (but you can see it from our yard). This house burnt last fall. It's kind of eerie to look out and see just how distructive a fire can be. In both cases no one was hurt. But it's a reminder of just what you can loss.
Even though it was just a shed it was so sad. This family has spent hours building this shed. This shed was not built by a builder or just pulled on a lot. This shed was a family project. They had spend hours working on this project. My kids have even pitched in over the last 2 years. I know thats a long time to build a shed but like I said it was a family project. I just stand and look at it and think to myself how many hours they work on something that took about 30 minutes to destroy.
Well we may have a snow day tomorrow. I'm not sure I can tell you how HAPPY that would make me. I am in a little bit better frame of mind about school. I have part of my major project that is due in 3 weeks done. If someone ever tells you it would be ok to take a Sr. level class that is over in 6 weeks tell them "no thanks". Let them know you are way too smart to do something that stupid. So I'm going to be tortured a few more weeks until this class is over.
Makayla was released from the Dr. today. So we are ready to start playing games all weekend. Like I said maybe we'll have some snow days:)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

God never fails to put life in perspective...

I went to check on the girls at about 9:30 tonight. I found Hannah looking out the window. So I proceeded to ask her what she was looking at. She told me nothing. I didn't believe her and I just couldn't let that go. The longer I stood there the more something just didn't seem right. I notice some lights on the wall that just shouldn't have been there. So I looked out the see what was going on. I look over to the neighbors house and ask myself the dumbest questions ever. "I wonder why the Drakes are burning their shed down at 9:30 at night." Then about a split second later it dawns on me that they aren't burning their shed but the shed is on fire. I had Makayla call the neighbors and I called 911. I didn't get a picture of the flames that were as high as the house. Sure wish my firefighter cousin had been here to put this fire out. When I'm not tired I'm going to tell you a little story about this shed. But for now please keep the Drake family in your prayers. This is only one more struggle that they are going through right now.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Are you ready for a big ol' pity party?

Well if your not you'd just better move on along then. I'm going to do some good ol' fashion boo-hooing!
I am ready to throw in the towel! I'm too old for this school thing! What was I thinking? I'm tired, sick, stressed out... I have no idea what I am doing. It's hard. I know I am a big baby! I want to drop out! I'll go to beauty school or something like that. I have to cut every one's hair anyway I might as well go figure out how to really cut it.
Ok I don't feel any better even after a good ol' pity party. So... I guess I'll get back to studying now. Now don't you all feel better about your life even if it was only for a minute. Just think of this post as a public service post.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Well it was a nice weekend. We didn't have any games or obligations all weekend long. That doesn't happen very often. I had scrapbook plans but they fell through. It work out since I spent to day debating a trip to Mediquick. I just can't seem to get over the cold. I'm thinking after 3 weeks it might not be a cold. I didn't make that trip though. I just keep laying around feeling like crap. I do have some pictures to share. The first picture is of my favorite eye candy. I have got a thing for buttons! My grandma gave me some more last week. Before I put them in with all my other treasures I took some pictures of them. I know I have a problem!
The next picture is Jordan and his papaw. Jordan is addicted to this little machine. The third picture is of the miracle that happened the other day. Makayla and Hannah were getting along. I about fell over. But I grabbed a camera a caught a picture of it before I passed out. They were figuring out the new phones. The rest of the picture are the pages I got done between laying my head down. I wish I had felt better so I could have gotten more done. Well it is another busy week of games, physical therapy (Makayla's ankle), school, work.... you get the idea.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Real life.........

Here's some pictures form our real everyday life. After the delivery of a second dryer we are back on track with the laundry. After 3 weeks of lugging laundry it is so nice to be able to do laundry in our own house! These books represent 6 of the 7 books I've already read for my Children's Lit class. I now have to write a paper on each book. Notice the Diet Coke and the cough drops. I'm hoping that they will keep me moving in the right direction:) And last but not least... all 3 girls in the house are back in touch. We all have new numbers. I have been without a phone for 3 weeks. I wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I forgot what it was like. I survived! Makayla will never hear me say "You are over in texting so STOP!" She now is unlimited! So text message until your fingers fall off. Hannah now has the ability to broadcast her news reports to anyone who will listen. So if you need our numbers please email me and I'll send them to you.
It seems that the Fuller's are all put back together again! washer/dryer- check, phones-check, garbage disposal- fixed...

Monday, January 21, 2008

interesting website...

Check this out....
I'm not sure if I really want to know about all this.... I have issues with nightmares anyway... I'm not sure if this is something I ought to be looking at before I'm heading to bed!

Hello friends....

Hey friends... I promise to not whine once this post.... not because I don't have things that I feel like deserve a good whine.. but I'm thinking that you have all heard enough of that for a while! These pages were done a week ago. I did 10 pages in Jan. That's a 1/3 of my goal. I plan on playing Saturday.. Kathy and Valerie are going to come play. I have high yet realistic goals about getting 20 more pages done:) This is my week 2 trading card. I will get week 3 done this weekend. The new washer and dryer arrived today. I won't whine about waiting for them to get it delivered. We have all lived through that before. And I wont whine about the fact that the dryer doesn't work or the fact that the garbage disposal broke today with a bowl of cereal still in it. I'm not whining I'm just stating the facts! The last picture is just some happy feet:) I'm not going to mention that school thing... no whining.. or the running kids to practices... or homework... so I guess I don't really have much else to talk about.
I have tried some new recipes though... this one and this one. These were really good. Let me know if you think they are yummy too.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I have been busy but I have nothing exciting to tell you:(
School is hard... really hard... physics hard.... not that I'm whining... ok maybe I am... ITS HARD!
I have 14 hours. I'm still trying to sub too. Then there is the volleyball practice for 2 girls and the basketball practice for 2 girls... and homework for them... homework for me... housework.. and I am still lugging laundry to mom and dads- I have got to find time and money to go buy a washer/dryer... orthodontist appointments... physical therapy... Dr appointments....volleyball games....
Ok I am depressing myself! Life is just busy. If I could just put all my kids back into diapers so I could appreciate that time in life again. I just didn't know what was to come. I really think we should start with teenagers and end with babies. I would have enjoyed the baby age so much more if I knew what a teenager was like!
Well 3 points into the first game of the 1st volleyball tournament of the season Makayla rolled her ankle. UUUUUGGGGHHHH! We took a trip to the ER... then made a trip to the sports Dr. So she is in therapy for a couple of weeks. She was so sad. She just sat then and kept saying I'm so mad I can't believe this happened again. Makayla feels the need to do this at the beginning of EVERY season! This time Dr Reeves is going to be strict and make her fix the problem. Her ankle has some problem that I couldn't begin to explain. But it's fixable with exercises. So that's what we will do this time so we don't do this again!
So I gave up on the page a day in Jan. I still may get 31 pages done... although it is really not looking up. I am still doing the 52 cards. I will get a picture and post of last weeks. And I am behind on the picture a day. I know it's supposed to be a picture a day but mine may not work exactly like that:) I can make my own rules right?
Good news on the cold front... I have slept for 2 nights now. It is amazing what sleep will do for you!
Hannah has her 1st volleyball tournament this weekend. I'll take some pictures than.
I have some picture of this weekends games and the ankle:) (1st ankle picture is from the day it happened, 2nd is from last night)Later!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just in case...

anyone really does read this thing.

I haven't died... I just feel like crap. I've got a cold and I'm feeling a little whinny. So it is better I just don't' say anything... We've had 4 basketball games this weekend, a volleyball tournament, a trip to the emergency room, my school started today, Jordan had a birthday party, and homecoming...

So we've been busy and I don't feel good.

I've fallen off the page a day bandwagon. I kept up until Sunday. And I've been taking my pictures. But it's 7:00pm and I'm heading to bed. When you wake up every hour to cough you don't get much sleep.

Anyway... when I get rid of this thing and can hold my head up I'll add pictures.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008


We are getting back into the routine or at least we are trying. The weather has been so nice the past few days. More like spring break than Christmas break. Last night we had a huge thunder storm. It was hard to get to sleep when the thunder was shaking the house. The kids are back to school. It was time. It was probably time last week. I have my pictures for yesterday, today and tomorrow... Yesterdays picture is the brush pile in front of my mom and dads house. Everyone has one of these in front of their house from the ice storm. Todays... I picked up my books for school. This is what a couple of hundred dollars will rent you in collage. I'll have 14 hours this semester. The next picture is tomorrows picture. I guess I'm not really doing 1 a day. Anyway, this is a little Destin Fl in a jar. Makes me happy when I see it. Sure wish I could have brought back a truck load of that sand to put in the back yard. Feels good on the toes! And the last picture is page #8 in my 31 pages in January. Well the washer broke yesterday so I need to drop laundry off at my dad's, go print some pictures, pick up a prescription, clean bathrooms, make dinner (or drive through?), stop by the library, and help my grandpa with his Zune. I don't think scrapbooking will fit into this day! Makayla has a basketball game tonight and Hannah has volleyball and basketball practice. There is a down side to getting back to the routine!

Monday, January 07, 2008

I can't believe that I have made a page a day so far this month. I'm telling you next week is going to catch up to me and I am not going to be able to keep up with it. I also need to go get some more pictures printed today.
But here are pages 6 and 7. And thanks to my grandma who know the way to my heart is through my stomach and scrapbook supplies... I have the really cute paper. Thanks grandma! I love the colors in the papers! I'll post my picture of the day later today. It's only 1:30am right now so I don't think the lighting will be very good for taking any outside shots. Haha!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ok I have been making pages and taking pictures! One week later and I haven't dropped the ball yet!
I have actually taken a picture everyday. So here are 3 days worth of pictures. I knew I wouldn't post everyday. Sorry. So you'll have to put up with a bunch of pictures in this post. The first pictures is of Makayla and the boy. Nice guy. He lives next door. That may be a little too close for my comfort!

This is Saturdays picture. I have been so sad to see so many trees being cut down after the ice storm. Tomorrow pictures is going to be the piles and piles of limbs that are piled in front of every ones houses. It made me start thinking about the growth rings of the tree. You can tell what kind of year a tree had by the growth rings of the tree. I am curious what my growth rings would look like after the last couple of years.

This picture just makes me happy! This is our ribbon collection. Andrea promise me that you will make everyone stand around my grave in Roy G Biv please! It makes me so happy!

This is my page 5 entry for 31 pages in January class. I've stayed on track so far! Is anyone else doing this with me?

Then I got this CRAZY idea last night. Emily did this challenge on her blog last year. I decided that I was going to do it this year. Remember in my art class when I have to make an ATC? Well it was fun. It was a quick way to get some creativity out. So here's my 1st week. I made mom do one too. Then Christina came over and I made her promise to play along too. Now Andrea are you up to the challenge? Chrissy how about you? I just take 30 mins or so once a week. I'll email you the theme for the week. This week was... something you are proud of... wanna play?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I have a few firsts....

This is my first challenge....
This is my first page with no pictures....
and I think this is the first time I've made a page with all scraps.
This is a page for a challenge from Elsies blog.
I had some help from my good friends Chrissy too. She made this cute little picture and I've had it filed in the back of my head that I wanted to make one too. I was laying in bed thinking about this page and decided that I would use it here. Thanks for the inspiration Chrissy. Man, will you come and crop with me someday?
I have my picture of the day to post. Yeah me... day 3 and I'm still doing it. Now day 203 may be in question...

I made this cute little flower to remind me to do more of this. I just couldn't get a scrapbook page to come out of my head but I really wanted to play. So I thought this might be fun:)

This is my Christmas present... and I love it!!!! We didn't do adult presents this year. It was one of the best decisions we made all year. But Leland did get me this. He was pretty sure I would be getting myself one if he didn't get me one. Now mom has her eye on one too.

Now this is my picture of the day. I know it's nothing big but.... I took me a long time to get it to look this way. And I don't want to forget what it looks like:)I worked all days Sunday and even some on Monday. This is my moms' craft room which I hijacked. I moved everything around and reorganized. I have been so productive since everything has a place now. My mom and I are very different on that subject. She is a member of the flat surface society- if the is a flat surface it should have something on it:)

This is my side of the room. I have my most used supplies here. And my paper is on the bottom shelf.

This is my mom's side. And this is a picture of the shelves that have tools and extra supplies. There is also a closet full. But I couldn't get a good picture of that. It a walk-in closet and every shelf is filled with stuff to make more stuff. That's my kind of closet. And the last picture is of the shelves that hold my mom's papers. And I thought I had and addiction. So we now have the room set up so 4 people can set down and play. And don't worry about bringing any supplies I think we have you covered!