Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'll just let you know...

I am boring.
I have nothing exciting to share. And heaven forbid I actually take a picture with my camera. So I don't even having anything to show you!
I have been working hard to get my 16 observation hours done. Should finish up tomorrow.
British Lit is a butt kicker. I read Frankenstein this weekend. Took my test. I have to write 1600 a week on a discussion board. And have a 1000 word paper over a poem due on Friday. Have I started that yet. Oh no!
Leland and Jordan left for church camp this week. They come home Wednesday. Thursday we leave for Fuller Family Fun. I'm not feeling very fun this year. I'm not sure I'm going. I know there's always got to be a pooper in the party. I'm not really a camping lake girl. So the thought of heading the the lake to camp for 4 days is not really something I'm looking forward to. We'll see how much of that paper I get done.
Well I have some poems calling my name. Who knew British lit meant hours of reading poetry. Didn't anyone write books back then?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I'm gonna take a picture tomorrow and actually post it! Don't everyone get too excited about this now:)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Where have I been? Because I guess I really like that title:)

Here's some places I have visited. Not recently unfortunately. I wish I could load the family up in a camper and just spend the summer driving from place to place. No plan... just drive... stop and check out the sights.. and drive some more. Wouldn't that be fun? Well that's not whats happening here!
Last week Makayla was at camp and Hannah and Jordan had me running then to different day camps.
This week Hannah was at camp and I started school. Jordan went to VBS every morning. So it was another week of running. $4 a gallon gas is killing me! If I could ever get some time I plan on checking into a different car. But I can't get mine parked long enough to figure out what I want.
It has rained buckets lately. It's been kind of weird. I'm trying to enjoy it because when its the middle of August I'll be gripping about not having any rain!
I did some observing in a classroom today. It makes me excited to someday have my own room. It's almost like a tease though. Here let me dangle this in front of your face for a semester... then*rip* it's gone and I still have 3 more semester to go. But I'm enjoying it while I can!
Ok that's what up here.... British lit... running kids... buying gas... fixing dinner... cleaning house... doing homework.... setting at ball games.... watching some volleyball.... you know just life.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Where have you been??????

Oh I mean where have I been. Well we finished up the school year. And remember the flooded basement? Well it's now painted and looks something like this now. This picture is to shame my parents into cleaning up the last of the mess:)
The movie room.... we have already broken this in. There is a screen that comes down and a projector on the ceiling. It is fun to watch the movies on the "big screen".

And we moved the craft room downstairs. And dad's office is now upstairs.
So maybe it doesn't look like much.... but it was a lot of moving around. I painted a basements, an office, and the living room. I'll take pictures of the living room when we get it done. There are some TALL ceilings in that room!

Hannah is now in 7th grade. Can you believe it? I can't were does time go?
Jordan is now a 5th grader. Here he is with his 2 teachers. One taught the morning and one taught the afternoon. It was a great set-up for both teachers. They both got to stay home half the day with their babies.

And then there is my Sophomore. Oh how this breaks my heart and is totally exciting at the same time!

Jordan was pitcher for an inning last night. He had 2 strike outs and and got a runner out at home. Makes my heart happy to see him playing this game. You know I'm a sucker for a kid in a baseball uniform. He also hit his first home run last night. I guess having a baseball game or practice every night will make you a better player. Makayla is a church camp this week. I'm hoping that she will come home ready to make a commitment for God. This has been a prayer for so many years.
Hannah has volleyball camp this week. And Jordan has baseball camp. So I have spent my afternoons in the car. I stopped by the library and picked up a good book to read while I'm waiting.
I start school on Monday:( I did not have a long enough break!!!!! Oh well... I'll be that much closer right?