Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Man I have a load of picture to post! I have been crazy person with the camera lately. I'll not bore you completely and just post a couple.
We finely got some snow. It's only been 2 years. That's a long to to go with out a snow day! Well be careful what you wish for! Mom and I were in Las Vegas when the storm hit. I would say we were enjoying the warm weather but that would be a lie! We walk in Ceaser Palace Wed 11am and walked out Fri @ 1pm. It was in the 40's. What was up with that? We sat for about 5 hours in the airport catching all kinds of diseases! Got in the KC at midnight and drove home with one eye opened at a time. Didn't have any problems until we pulled into our neighborhood. Then we got stuck. Cant believe we didn't spend some of the 3 hour drive home trying to figure out how to use the 4-wheel drive. But we didn't. We waited until we were stuck at 3am. Duh!
So here are some pictures of the kids playing in the snow! I'm glad its starting to melt. The kids sure did enjoy it though.


Anonymous said...

Hello! It's your cousin Kelly. I am glad to see that you're out here sharing your lives with us. What a great way to keep in touch, especially if you're someone like me who's terrible about picking up the phone, sending pics, etc. In fact, it's such a good idea that I'm looking into copying it...hahaha!

I hope that all is well in MO. You all must have loved the snow (except for getting stuck in it). What a nice treat! I'll send you any that we get and you keep it there, okay! =) In the meantime, please send everyone our love and know that we're thinking about you. Have a beautiful Christmas and New Year!


Anonymous said...

It Susan can you believe that I'm actually writing on this thing? well i wish i was there to enjoy the snow but hopefully we will get some soon. I can't get over how big the kids have gotten, give them all hugs for me and I hope to see ya soon. Love Ya