Sunday, August 19, 2007

What have I been doing for the last 8 days?
Well.... getting kids ready for school and trying to enjoy my last week of freedom! Makayla survived 2 a day volleyball practices.
And I think everyone has everything they need to start school tomorrow. I spent today running around finishing up. I've never been this last minute before. I cut hair today, picked up folders, made 2 trips to Wal-Mart and church twice.
Everyone is in bed and quite. So we'll see how much chaos there will be at 6:45am.
On Saturday Makayla's USA volleyball team had a car wash. It was surprisingly fun. But these girls are a lot of fun to be with. So I have a couple picture of that to share. The night before she had a High School Musical 2 premiere party. These girls only had about 2 hours sleep before the car wash. It was a GREAT opportunity to work on the tan!
I'll post some back to school pictures tomorrow!

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