Sunday, October 14, 2007

We survived last week.

It was a crazy week.

We had Cougar Run and Carnival at school.

Makayla had 2 volleyball games and a tournament. This was a varsity tournament. It was a honor to be asked. She doesn't feel like she did very good. She went in a couple of time and had a couple of errors. Life goes on. She is a freshman for Pete's sake (I'm really not sure who Pete is by the way. I don't think I ever type that expression before so I'm not sure if it is right). Anyway, when did you have to be a super star at 8 anyways? When was average not good enough. By the way she is above average but not varsity yet.

Hannah had basketball practices. She is not loving this game. And of course now there is a volleyball team for her to be on. I'm really not sure what we are going to do. I am not going to fret about that this week.

Jordan had a cross country meet. He is having a hard time in school. I really think we just need to slow down and bit. He is constantly complaining about his stomach hurting. I'm going to work on slowing down... maybe next week :)

I wrote my 2 papers for last week and got them in on time. Yeah for me! And I took 3 tests. Two were A's. The other one was HARD!!!!! So I'll be glad for a B's and secretly disappointed if I get a C which is much more likely than the B. Oh well. You win some you loss some, right?

So I have one more to take tomorrow. I'm not freaking out about this one. I should be ok.

I even cleaned my house this weekend. Things are looking up. A clean house always makes me feel better. Now just to keep it clean. That's always the struggle for me.

Makayla has a game tomorrow and Thursday. Then we are DONE with volleyball for a couple of months.

Basketball starts the last Monday of October.

Leland is driving me crazy as usual. He really can't help himself. Truly. He is just being himself.

That's my life and I'm sticking to it! Feeling much better about this week than last week :)

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