Monday, December 10, 2007

{The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly}

Where should I start?
I'll start with the bad... ICE! Lots and lots of ice!

The Ugly... What ice does to trees. This is not just ugly it is sad. 2007 will go down as a very icy years. It started in Jan and will finish in Dec.

The Good.... because of the ice I don't have ANY finals. Now that is good!
Here is some more good... at least I thought it was good. Andrea had a booth at a craft show. I made some stuff to put in the booth. I guess they weren't as cute as I thought. I didn't do very well. Oh well I have already put them to good use at my house, so it's all good!

Well, if you are enduring the ice too... stay warm and safe! And if you are living in Costa Rice enjoying the sunshine well hope you know how lucky you are!

1 comment:

Chrissy King said...

hee hee!! I see that you directed a comment to me.

Yes, I know how lucky I am!! I won't even show you the picture I took here the day the ice storm hit you! :o)

Glad you are ok. Maybe you need to come visit me in December some year!! :o)