School is hard... really hard... physics hard.... not that I'm whining... ok maybe I am... ITS HARD!
I have 14 hours. I'm still trying to sub too. Then there is the volleyball practice for 2 girls and the basketball practice for 2 girls... and homework for them... homework for me... housework.. and I am still lugging laundry to mom and dads- I have got to find time and money to go buy a washer/dryer... orthodontist appointments... physical therapy... Dr appointments....volleyball games....
Ok I am depressing myself! Life is just busy. If I could just put all my kids back into diapers so I could appreciate that time in life again. I just didn't know what was to come. I really think we should start with teenagers and end with babies. I would have enjoyed the baby age so much more if I knew what a teenager was like!
Well 3 points into the first game of the 1st volleyball tournament of the season Makayla rolled her ankle. UUUUUGGGGHHHH! We took a trip to the ER... then made a trip to the sports Dr. So she is in therapy for a couple of weeks. She was so sad. She just sat then and kept saying I'm so mad I can't believe this happened again. Makayla feels the need to do this at the beginning of EVERY season! This time Dr Reeves is going to be strict and make her fix the problem. Her ankle has some problem that I couldn't begin to explain. But it's fixable with exercises. So that's what we will do this time so we don't do this again!
So I gave up on the page a day in Jan. I still may get 31 pages done... although it is really not looking up. I am still doing the 52 cards. I will get a picture and post of last weeks. And I am behind on the picture a day. I know it's supposed to be a picture a day but mine may not work exactly like that:) I can make my own rules right?
Good news on the cold front... I have slept for 2 nights now. It is amazing what sleep will do for you!
I love Makayla and all cause you know we have that special bond after camp, but that is just nasty! It seems like it looks worse then the last time she did it. By the way I have been parking by you at school but I never get to see you!
Ugh. That's one nasty bruise! Jen, if you ever want to compare busy crazy lives just let me know - it might make you feel better! ha ha! But I do have my health and it sounds like you do now too... so that's good.
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