Friday, April 25, 2008

Just how big is God?

Just wondering...
Is God bigger than a stressed out mom?
Is he bigger than a messy house?
Is he bigger than a 12 year old who is addicted to her cell phone?
Is he bigger that a teenage crush?
Is he bigger than $30,000?
Is he bigger than 2 people who can't communicate?
Is he bigger than a building that need to sell?
Is he bigger than hurt feelings?
Is he bigger than the feeling of being overwhelmed?
Is he bigger than a car that needs repairs?
Is he bigger than bad choices we make in our lives?
Is he bigger than children who refuse to turn their lives over to Him?
Just how big is He?
I sure He is bigger than all these things and more...
Now the question is...
How do you be patient and wait for the creator of the universe, the judge of good and evil, the Savior of my soul to work it all out?.............................
Just a little something to think about....

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm not gonna lie...

Makayla likes to say that right before she spews forth some great little morsel of truth. So here I go... I'm not gonna lie... life is messy. There I said it. Lie is just messed up some times. I could go into detail and tell you all the things that aren't fun right now but I have about 3 readers right now and I don't want you to stop reading. So I'm sure I'll be calling you to crying later this week. I will whine a little about having another sinus infection. I have been miserable. I wish I could get on here and sing "Oh what a beautiful morning. Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a beautiful feeling everythings going me way." But like I said... I'm not gonna lie.
We once had a potter come to church. While he was throwing the clay he was talking to us. He talked about the clay resisting the potters hand. When the clay was resisting, the potter would have to work the clay some more. He would throw the clay and smack it until the clay was moldable. I'm not gonna lie... I am stubborn. I've got to figure out a way to be more moldable. So the potter can stop smacking me around:)
Jordan is looking very handsome this morning don't you think? He got an over due hair cut last night! He is such a boy. He didn't see anything wrong with this hairdo. Makayla and I spent the weekend doing this. This was her last tournament for the season. She has a month off and then we are back at it. I'm not sure I'm going to make it for 3 more years of high school. We had a good time this weekend. It was good to get away. Anyone up for running away with me? I'm thinking a beach, a couple of good books, and a cabana boy who keeps the diet Pepsi coming! Anyone ready to go?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey important stuff here!!!!!!

This is how much laundry a family of 5 produces in 2 days. Tuesday nigh I had all the laundry caught up. This morning I found all this ready to be done again.....
Ok here is some more important stuff... I came to realization that i change A LOT of toilet paper rolls. So on Monday I decided to save the empty one's just so I could see how many there were. Well in 4 days... 8 rolls. Just so you folks know it does take a special skill that I seem to be the only one in may house who can perform. My favorite one this week was when someone actually took the old roller off and threw it in the trash. Holy cow... my heart be still. I about fell over. But here is my favorite part.... they put the roller holder back on and set the new roll on the floor. hahahaha Hummm "I figured out how to get that hateful thing off but man it's just too hard for me to figure out how to get the next one on." HAAAA! It at least made me laugh!
I just thought this was so cute. I told you Jordan is totally into Legos right now and when they are Star Wars it's even better. He made all the sets he got for his birthday and they were all lined up in his room. It just made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Then he came home with ruined tennis shoes because he played in the creek in his good school shoes... and the warm fuzzy feeling was all gone.
Later... I'm off the learn some physics and get real smart.......

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's getting deep arund here... BEWARE!

I was just setting here thinking about how much I like to learn. I really enjoy learning new things. I like reading books about cultures that I've never experienced. I like trying new crafts. I like getting up everyday, going to school, and learning something new (I don't like homework- never have). I don't ever want to stop learning.
There are so many thing I want to learn:
how to cook- not just casseroles
how to speak Spanish
how to take better pictures
how to sew
how to use photoshop
how to control my temper
how to get along with people
how to shut my mouth
how to ride a horse
how to fly a plane (I know I'm afraid of heights but you are enclosed in a plane)
how to make a quiche- I love these things
how to line dance
how to pray like a prayer warrior

Well I have a lot to do.... see you later:)
And a picture from our spring break trip to Devil's Den... just because a post without a picture is boring.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bad blogger bad bad blogger....

I really don't have that much to say. It feels like its the same day everyday.
you all know what I'm talking about. I've been having that crazy spring itch I get. I get this feeling that starts in my toes. It wiggles its self through me until I feel like it's going to come out my fingertips or the top of my head. I need a change. I need some new scenery. I never scratch the itch. I just seem to keep myself busy with other things. But someday.... I'm going to scratch that itch. Someday when I don't have 3 kids still at home I'm gonna do something crazy... It's only 8 more years... maybe... they may never leave!
Well I just have some very random pictures.
This just proves that Makayla has some weird fascination with the sky like her mother does. It really is beautiful don't you think. We spend a lot of time hanging our heads out the car window starring at the sky. Kinda weird but it makes us happy:) This worries me. When my camera is returned I never know what will be on it. He does make her happy. But he makes me worry!

Jordan is a Lego kid. He can spend hours putting those little pieces together. And if they are Star Wars that's even better!

I was walking through my living room tonight and I just thought... hummm I really like my fireplace right now. I am not good with details. So for me to put this together is pretty amazing. I dug that window out of the trash. I think there were about 10 of them. I saw some more the other day... but Leland doesn't like the idea of me collecting anymore old doors and window. But someday I'm gonna have a bigger house and those doors and windows will be everywhere. I do have a couple of ideas that I may try here... if I can talk someone into helping me hang them..

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hello friends....

I haven't been up to anything exciting... homework... laundry... Hannah's last volleyball game... the usual stuff.... Until yesterday... and my baby turned 10. Everyone in my house is now in the double digits. I'm just not sure how I feel about that! He had a great day! We had birthday dinner and opened presents. Then he went to work playing with his new toys. Well... I'll check in later. Bye