Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bad blogger bad bad blogger....

I really don't have that much to say. It feels like its the same day everyday.
you all know what I'm talking about. I've been having that crazy spring itch I get. I get this feeling that starts in my toes. It wiggles its self through me until I feel like it's going to come out my fingertips or the top of my head. I need a change. I need some new scenery. I never scratch the itch. I just seem to keep myself busy with other things. But someday.... I'm going to scratch that itch. Someday when I don't have 3 kids still at home I'm gonna do something crazy... It's only 8 more years... maybe... they may never leave!
Well I just have some very random pictures.
This just proves that Makayla has some weird fascination with the sky like her mother does. It really is beautiful don't you think. We spend a lot of time hanging our heads out the car window starring at the sky. Kinda weird but it makes us happy:) This worries me. When my camera is returned I never know what will be on it. He does make her happy. But he makes me worry!

Jordan is a Lego kid. He can spend hours putting those little pieces together. And if they are Star Wars that's even better!

I was walking through my living room tonight and I just thought... hummm I really like my fireplace right now. I am not good with details. So for me to put this together is pretty amazing. I dug that window out of the trash. I think there were about 10 of them. I saw some more the other day... but Leland doesn't like the idea of me collecting anymore old doors and window. But someday I'm gonna have a bigger house and those doors and windows will be everywhere. I do have a couple of ideas that I may try here... if I can talk someone into helping me hang them..

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