Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My contribution to the turkey dinner...

In case you were unaware... I am not a baker. I hate to measure and be precise. Probably why I can't sew either. I don't like to follow directions.... I like to throw things in and hope it all turns out ok. My mom is the baker. I'll let her do that. Leland has even taken up the cookie baking at our house. I'm ok with that too. Hey remember I have my talents too. I can wash, fold, and put away 17 loads of laundry every week. Anywho... Hannah and I like this cold pumpkin pie... I don't have to be exact... I don't even HAVE to follow the directions... and sometimes I don't... it is still good. It may not be pretty... hey I'm not Martha... I've also never even been to jail... I know that was a low blow but I just couldn't resist. Hannah and I may eat this thing all by ourselves. It makes me feel like a good mom when I make her something she likes to eat. She only has about 5 things on her love to eat list!
This is my todo list for the day. Notice... I cleaned my carpets today. Remember I read a 500 page book today too! Also notice the tree are not up yet... dad called and distracted Leland with the lure of power tools. It will be done before I go to bed!
I also provided an oven for a turkey to bake today... we never have enough turkey for leftovers. I'll also make a greenbean casserole. Hey... dump and bake... thats how I roll. And hang on... I'm also taking the homemade bread... ok so it's from a bread machine... oh ok full discloure... Leland makes it... you have to be so precise. Just can't do it!

1 comment:

Tammy and Van said...

I need to hang out with you more always make me smile!
Happy Thanksgiving!