Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life sure does go by fast sometimes.....

I survived the hardest most demanding summer of class yet. And basically that’s where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing…. that and raising 2 active teenagers with another one nipping at their heels. I have not been happy about the situation at all. As of this morning… I am a free agent until Aug 17th at which time I will probably begin the hardest most demanding semester yet. OH GOODY! I am living for Dec 19th… at which time I am really a free agent. Then begins the job search. I know that I should be thrilled. And there are times that I am thrilled. But I would say the overriding feeling is fear. I know that is just stupid. Like I said… I am excited. But school has been safe for me. I was worried about the 1st semester. But since then I have known what to expect. I can make an A… that not even really been a challenge. That’s not say I’m so smart that I don’t have to work for an A. That’s not the case. But if you do what is expected… guess what… it really isn’t a challenge to get an A. Don’t let those 19 year olds fool you. If you go to class, do the work, and put a little effort forward an A is completely doable. So once Dec. 19 happens I’m just not sure what to expect. I will start subbing. I am really not looking forward to that. If I could sub everyday at College Height… not problem! But public school? Ugh! But that’s what I’ll do. And hope that by spring break I’ll have a contract.

The summer has been a blur. June I had class every day. Mondays Makayla played volleyball. Jordan spent a week in Tennessee at Boy Scout camp. He had the best time. Leland took a week off work and went with him. I am really happy that Jordan enjoys Boy Scouts so much. He has his eye on being an Eagle Scout. He has a lot of work to do. But he and Leland work every week on something already. Hannah has not had much going on this summer. She has been working for my grandparents painting. She is a hard worker. And she likes earning her own money too. She doesn’t like spending it though! Jordan played ball through the month of June. As you know…. BASEBALL IS MY FAVORITE sport! Volleyball is a very close second though. Jordan also went to church camp again this summer. He went back to CYOCAMO. We just really love the camp and we still haven’t made any permanent decision about where to go to church. We had our 19th annual Fuller Family Fun. If you know me very well you know this really isn’t my thing. I just don’t enjoy sweating while camping. But I put the big girl pants firmly in place and had a good time.

July began with my birthday. I was ridiculous! I cried for two days. Peter Pan and I must be cut from the same cloth. I really don’t like the idea of growing up. It was embarrassing and uncontrollable. It was also inevitable. So it happened and I have moved on…. Until next year! We celebrated Leland and dad’s birthdays too. They were much more grown up about the whole thing. Makayla had a week of volleyball camp. I spent the week driving back and forth to Springfield. Next year both girls will get to be there. I’m not sure that camp is big enough for both Fuller girls. I sure hope they figure out how to get along before that happens. I had SEVERAL… and I say that with great frustration… projects to complete for school. The teachers didn’t want to teach in July but they didn’t want us to have free time either. It was very hard to motivate myself to get projects done. I had just shut down and was done with school. But I did get them done just in time to take the PRAXIS test this morning. This test is a big deal. It must be passed to graduate and teach. No pressure! This was not something study. You just had to know it. Kind of like the ACT but on a larger scale. I made everyone go to bed earlier than usual and prayed myself to sleep last night. I think I did ok…. But I hate to be too confidant and find out I have to retake the stupid thing. I’ll let you know in 4 weeks how it went.

We have been dealing with break-in’s around our neighborhood. About 2 weeks ago they entered our garage and stole my wallet in the middle of the night. Yes it was stupid to have to there. But I still didn’t learn my lesson because on Wed night they did it again. This time it was between 9 and 10:30 at night. Really made me mad! We have been adding lights outside and we have to keep all the doors closed and locked around our house. So hopefully I have learned my lesson… probably not. It is really embarrassing to call my bank 2 times in 2 weeks to report my card stolen.

Next Thursday we will pack the family up and head to Lake Michigan. Just for a long weekend. But a well deserved break! I promise to do a better job with the blog. This is ridiculous amount of stuff to say in one post. It was not really designed to work this way. Even if no one else reads this… I really want to keep a record for my family. I want my kids to know what we did. What I thought about things that happened. The draw back about it being so public is… I don’t say everything that is on my mind. I don’t air all the dirty laundry. But that’s not all bad either. Some of that stuff I don’t want to remember. Some of it is so yucky I’m not sure we will ever forget. It really is cathartic to put it out there and say it. So… my goal is to not do this again. I have no pictures to share. I think there are a few somewhere, all taken by Makayla I’m sure. I know it is boring without pictures…. Sorry. I’ll do better I promise.