Monday, May 21, 2007

Found the Dairy Farm pictures. I feel better now!

Since May 8th....
Hannah has had 4 softball games
Jordan had had 3 games
Jordan went to a dairy farm for a field trip (as soon as I find that card I'll post some pictures)
Hannah and Jordan had Cougar Olympics at school
Leland took the kids to Roaring River for the weekend to enjoy Kid's fishing day
Makayla has been buster he hump finishing up her classes and getting ready for finals
And I've had a class everyday
SO... I haven't been posting much. I'm fact in my spare time I've been doing laundry and cleaning the house.
We have ball games every night this week and Makayla has finals all week. Friday is the last day of school for the kids. I always feel out of sorts this time of year. Too much change. Too much business. Too much rushing to finish things up. Just tooooooo mucchhhhh!
So I'm feeling out of sorts this week trying to get over it! I dont even have a picture to add to this post. Sorry!!!!! I'll get it together soon I promise!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm not sure what it is about the game of baseball. But it is one of those games that I LOVE! I love the green grass, cool nights, fans cheering, the crack of the bat, playing catch in the yard... I'm not sure what it is but I love watching Jordan play ball. Maybe I love it so much because he loves it so much. Setting at the game makes me feel connected to the past. It seems like such an American thing to do. I wish I was a writer and I could describe how I feel when we are at a game.
Here are some pictures from Jordan's 1st game:
He is playing 3rd base and left fielder.

I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
For 5 more days anyway.
We had another busy weekend. (By the way, they are all busy!)
Jordan had his first ball game on Friday. I have pictures I have to get off the good camera. (Sorry Chrissy not trying to rub it in).
Saturday I scrapbooked all day. What else would I do on National Scrapbook Day?
Sunday we went to a Springfield Cardinals game. It was hot and long but we had fun.
Monday Hannah had a ball game but it was cancelled due to the field being a mud puddle. Jordan had practice and Makayla had her Spring concert at school. We worked it out but I sure and glad Hannah's games was canceled.
Here are some pictures of the game:
Picture 1 is us!
Picture 2 is our view from our seats.
Picture 3 is our seats in the sun. It was only 85 degrees and 90% humidity and the sun was on us for 2.5 hours. At one point I look over home plate and see TONS of seat open that are in the shade. So off we went! (We are almost to the end of the stadium)
Picture 4 is what it looks like from behind home plate. Sure wish I had thought of that an hour before!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

It's been another busy week!

I have basically finished school. I have one more test I should take on Monday. Then I have one week off until I start again! Oh Boy!

We started ball this week. I'll get those pictures posted later.

Makayla had a field trip that I went on. We went to KC and visited Truman's Library and the National WWI museum. Did I remember my camera? Heck no! Not when you have to get up at 5:30am and be to school by 6:30am. I'm lucky to have remembered myself!

Later week I said "To heck with it all!" and ran away with my friends! We went to Springfield Friday night and scrapbooked. I'm going to post my pages. Nothing award winning but they are DONE!

I also did 4 kits for the store and I have all my classes caught up for the month. Yes I'm bragging Christina!

Anyway, I still have Blue and Gold Banquet picture to get on here. And we are going to Springfield Cardinals game tomorrow. I plan on getting caught up on pictures next week!

Thanks for checking in!