Sunday, April 29, 2007

I wanted to pass along this devotional email I received the other day. I thought it was worth reading. I hope you do too.
I added a picture of our lilacs this spring before the snow destroyed them (because post without pictures ARE boring!). They sure smelled good!

Living Above Your Circumstances
Her letter was long. Page after page she went on about every aspect of her miserable life.
In between the accounts of her husband's unemployment and her high blood pressure, this woman managed to weave each and every detail of their broken down cars, leaking roof, busted faucets, ungrateful children, delinquent taxes, nosy neighbors, empty retirement account and unpaid bills. I'm telling you, by the time I reached the word that for me spelled relief (Sincerely), I was nearly worn out.
My immediate reaction was a sympathetic, “Oh, you poor thing!” I mean really, the way she carried on I was nearly convinced she was enduring troubles and pressures way beyond the legal limit. Her situation as she described it did appear to be without solution.
I couldn't help but wonder how things would be if she won the lottery, which according to her hastily written postscript was her only source of hope. That would certainly let me off the hook because the point of her letter was for me to fix her, her family—her life. She was looking for a fairy godmother, complete with wand, who would magically return everything to normal, whatever that is. I've read about fairy godmothers and I can assure you, I'm no fairy godmother.
Some people allow their problems and pressures to control their lives. Whether they live under their circumstances or above them has nothing to do with the troubles themselves, but how they view them.
Those who live under their circumstances see every calamity as a catastrophe. They choose to be victims; they whine, complain and carry on.
Those who live above their circumstances are not in denial. They simply choose to see these times as hair-pin curves on the road of life that will straighten out soon.
While you live and breathe on Planet Earth you will experience troubles and pressures from time to time and in varying degrees. It doesn't matter how wealthy, educated, noble or good you are. Life cannot be separated from periods of adversity. Here are some basic steps to help you gain control of your circumstances:
CHOOSE JOY. One thing that distinguishes you from the animal kingdom is your ability to control your attitude. You choose your thoughts, so for today choose joy.
SMILE ON PURPOSE . Regardless of how you are feeling, greet the next person you see (even if it is a family member) with a smile and sincere pleasantry such as, “Isn't this a wonderful day?”
DON'T DWELL ON PROBLEMS. Refuse to worry unless you have a pencil and paper in front of you. With those tools in hand your worrying automatically becomes a planning session. Write down creative and positive ideas.
DON'T BE FOOLED BY DISGUISES. Your troubles are brilliant opportunities disguised as impossible situations. Those who recognize this truth are experts at turning lemons into lemonade.
What you can do matters much more than what you can't. Focus on getting through the mess or if it's not going away, find a way to joyfully persevere. Your greatness will never be measured by wealth or position but by what it takes to make you quit. That's why you must never, ever give up. No matter what. EC

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Makayla went to her second Quinceanera tonight. I took some pictures of course. We ran out today and picked up the dress. We found a real deal- $15. I LOVE it when that happens. And she already had to shoes. This was much cheaper than the 1st one we went to. And yes she is JUST 14!
Hannah cleaned out her daddy's truck. She was earning some money. And Jordan went camping with the Boy Scouts this weekend. I'll have to get some pictures from Leland and post them later.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I know its the wrong season for this pictures. But it's all I've got right now. I don't have time to get pictures off the camera and make them small enough for the blog. So this one is from the fall. We all raked mom and dad's yard. Man the Oak trees can make some leaves.

Baseball is in full swing here. Hannah and Jordan both have 2 practices a week on different days of course. So we don't have any free nights. Good thing volleyball is over for a couple of weeks.

School is wrapping up for everyone. It's time for field trips. Tomorrow Hannah and Jordan are headed to MSSU for a play. They had MAPS (state testing) last week.

I wrote my research paper and finished up with another class yesterday. My favorite English teacher is making my paper worth turning in. I may give her nervous break down before it's all done though. Thanks Christina for getting me though this class. You can walk across the stage with me in a couple of years. I will be done with classes by next Wednesday.

Well I didn't have much to say I just wanted to check in. I'm getting ready to head to Springfield to work for the day.

Have a great day!

Monday, April 16, 2007

We were in Topeka KS all weekend at Volleyball Regionals. We don't want to talk about how we did. We went home VERY early on Sunday. Bummer!
These are just some funny pictures we took that weekend. And one of Makayla getting a block. We came home and crashed. Got up this morning and started another week. The kids only 5 more weeks of school! I could be done in 3 of a teacher would post a test for me next week. I'm excited about that. Then I start about the 3rd week of May. I'm not excited about that!
Anyway, have a great week. We just have ball practices this week and homework. Should be a pretty easy week. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Busy.... do you people know what that word means? I'm sure you do. Seems like everyone is either busy or dead. Well I guess it's better to be in the first group right? Time goes so fast. I'm not sure what to give up so I can slow down. It all seems so important. Leland says we need to spend less money. I can figure out what to give up. Everything I buy is important right?
So.. busy doing what? School.. I'm at the end. 2 history tests, 2 exceptional child tests, 2 exceptional student tests, and a RESEARCH PAPER. If you live near me and talk to me on a regular basis I should apologize for crying so much about this dang paper. But I have written one of these in about 17 years. And I have 2 weeks to get it written. I don't even have a topic figured out. Totally not like me. I have had everything else turned in days... weeks before it was even due. I have got to get on this next week.
Work... well it's work. I wish I could get out of my creative funk and get moving on some kits and classes. But I'm in a DEEP funk. I need some creative juice soon!
Kids... well they are just flat out killing me! We are RUNNING every night. It's ball season. Hannah and Jordan are both playing. This is our last volleyball weekend until June. We are heading to Topeka KS at noon tomorrow and we'll head home Sunday night.
Makayla is watching the neighbors cats this week and last. Friday all 3 were alive and kicking. Monday one of them was no longer with us. I have to make my first death notice. The cat is not in a box in the shed awaiting the owners return. Good thing we have had a snap of cold weather again.
Speaking of the weather. It has not helped my mood at all. Rain, clouds, blagh.... I need sun! Come back soon! I'm tired and don't feel good either.
Well you just experienced a good old fashioned pity party. I need a new pair of big girl panties to put on.
Well I'm off to bed. It's been a long week and the weekend is going to be even longer!

Last Thursday Jordan had 4 boys over for his birthday party. (1 went home early) We went to CiCi's Pizza (affectionately called the spit and snot bar), bowling, and to mamaw's house for Star Wars on the big screen. Everyone was asleep by 11:30pm :)

Last weekend in Willard (just west of Springfield) This is what you look like after getting your butt spanked all over the floor!
Sorry not a great picture but it's the only one I had. Notice the bottle girl on the floor. Makayla just LOVES when her sister sets over there.

Monday, April 02, 2007

I have lots for pictures to show you today. We had a very busy weekend! Jordan turned 9. I still cannot believe it! He is such a fun kid. He got this scooter for his birthday. I'm hoping this doesn't mean he's gonna want a motorcycle for his 16th birthday!

On Saturday we had his pinewood. He took 1st place. He had the fastest car of the day. He loves Boy Scouts. I love that he loves Boy Scouts. His car is the 1st car. The red one with flames on it. It was his design. The lilacs (better flower picture for Chrissy) are from my front yard. This was the 1st butterfly I seen this spring. And there a picture of the tree we planted last year in our front yard. I thought I would take pictures of it every year just to see how fast it will grow. The last pictures are of poor Gerti's paws. The Boy Scouts went on a bike ride yesterday and Gert went with them. Maybe not the best idea. Her paws were not toughened up from the long winter. She is having some trouble walking today.