Monday, November 05, 2007

Busy busy busy...
I know I say that every time! Sorry but it's true. We are just too busy.
I've been subbing quite a bit. I love it. Maybe this is what I was called to do. I get to do all the fun stuff and not have to responsibility!
Friday I subbed all day and then came home and took 3 quizzes and a test. On Saturday I wrote a paper and did a weeks worth of math. Things are moving right along. I just hope I'm making the right decision. I'm totally not looking forward to next semester. I'll have to be at school everyday. So no more subbing. I'm going to have to figure out how to start making some money!
The kids are doing their things.
Makayla is still just practicing basketball. First game is in a couple of weeks.
Hannah has already started games.
And Jordan is selling popcorn. If you need any boy scout popcorn be sure to call. We have some connections around here.
I have Halloween pictures to share and some things I've been working on. Makayla isn't in the Halloween pictures this year. My baby is growing up. She just wanted to pass out candy. Secretly I was excited that I only had to come up with 2 costumes though. The card is an Artist Trading Card for my art class. I'm trying to impress my teachers. She keeps saying none of that crafty crap. Hey! That's what I do lady! Back off!
The rest are just some pages that I've had done for awhile. I tried to upload them a couple of weeks ago and blogger was down. I never did get back to it until today.
I've been making Christmas ornaments also. But I haven't taken a picture yet. I'll do that next time!
Hope you are staying out of trouble!

1 comment:

our crazy life said...

YEAH! I finally got it to work!
Cute pages! The kids are prtty cute too. Show me some Christmas stuff I have a tree to decorate this year! See you soon!