Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is why I want to be a teacher....

This one is for those friends and family members who live in ID, KY, IN and MI. This is all it takes to get 2 snows days in Joplin MO! This is the fringe benefit of being a teacher. Who couldn't resist a job like that? And summers off to boot! I can't believe there is not a line of people wanting to teach... oh yeah... there are those things called kids to deal with everyday... and test to get the kids ready for.... and vomit to clean up when the flu is going around.... well I'll just have to be REALLY glad when we get some snow days right?

1 comment:

cLOVErs said...

Uhhhhh yeah. We have more snow than that and you think we got a snow day?! Geez! I think we have to have a couple of deaths from car wrecks before they call it a snow day...