Man when they say time flies they mean at warp speed.
2010... I honestly never gave any thought to living during the year 2010. It sounds so weird. It sounds like the future. Weird huh?
Plans for this year..... (these are not in any particular order... just how they came out of my head)
1. Get a job! Sign the contract already so I can quite wondering about it. I'm not really worrying about it but I do wonder about it quite a bit. Where will I end up?
2. Get my house ready to sell. Don't know if that means we will put it on the market or just be ready to put it on the market. If I had my way if would be on the market and sold already. Do we wait until more bills are paid? Do we do it before Makayla is gone so she can call it home too? Dilemma....
3. Pay bills.... getting a job will be helpful with this!
4. Sub as much as possible until the school year is over and never have to sub again!
5. I could say loose weight and exercise more... but really? I'm not make those promises anymore.
6. Be more thoughtful. Send cards to my friends, be a better gift giver, call and check on people I haven't seen in awhile,.... here's a tough one.... tell people I love them. I am not very good about saying I love you. Why is that?
7. Don't freak out about a dirty house. We all know that at any point I can clean it back up. Is it really going to matter if it is today or tomorrow? I will really have to work at this one!
8. Don't sweat the small stuff.
9. It's okay for my kids to fail at something... this is called a life lesson. I do not need to micro manage their existence. This excludes the big stuff... at any point I can and will intervene when it is important.
10. Actually blog... hummmm.... we'll see. We are trying to figure out a new normal at our house. We must be slow learners because we have been working on this for awhile. Normal has changed so many times for us in the last 2 years nothing feels normal. It seems that every time we seem to start to feel comfortable some thing else changes. I realize this is life... but these were some big changes. Big changes take a long time to make adjustments from. Every time I think I should blog. I can't think of anything to say that sounds like something I should share with the world. I'm going to work on that.
So welcome to the future.... it's 2010.