Thursday, April 12, 2007

Busy.... do you people know what that word means? I'm sure you do. Seems like everyone is either busy or dead. Well I guess it's better to be in the first group right? Time goes so fast. I'm not sure what to give up so I can slow down. It all seems so important. Leland says we need to spend less money. I can figure out what to give up. Everything I buy is important right?
So.. busy doing what? School.. I'm at the end. 2 history tests, 2 exceptional child tests, 2 exceptional student tests, and a RESEARCH PAPER. If you live near me and talk to me on a regular basis I should apologize for crying so much about this dang paper. But I have written one of these in about 17 years. And I have 2 weeks to get it written. I don't even have a topic figured out. Totally not like me. I have had everything else turned in days... weeks before it was even due. I have got to get on this next week.
Work... well it's work. I wish I could get out of my creative funk and get moving on some kits and classes. But I'm in a DEEP funk. I need some creative juice soon!
Kids... well they are just flat out killing me! We are RUNNING every night. It's ball season. Hannah and Jordan are both playing. This is our last volleyball weekend until June. We are heading to Topeka KS at noon tomorrow and we'll head home Sunday night.
Makayla is watching the neighbors cats this week and last. Friday all 3 were alive and kicking. Monday one of them was no longer with us. I have to make my first death notice. The cat is not in a box in the shed awaiting the owners return. Good thing we have had a snap of cold weather again.
Speaking of the weather. It has not helped my mood at all. Rain, clouds, blagh.... I need sun! Come back soon! I'm tired and don't feel good either.
Well you just experienced a good old fashioned pity party. I need a new pair of big girl panties to put on.
Well I'm off to bed. It's been a long week and the weekend is going to be even longer!

Last Thursday Jordan had 4 boys over for his birthday party. (1 went home early) We went to CiCi's Pizza (affectionately called the spit and snot bar), bowling, and to mamaw's house for Star Wars on the big screen. Everyone was asleep by 11:30pm :)

Last weekend in Willard (just west of Springfield) This is what you look like after getting your butt spanked all over the floor!
Sorry not a great picture but it's the only one I had. Notice the bottle girl on the floor. Makayla just LOVES when her sister sets over there.

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