Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'll just let you know...

I am boring.
I have nothing exciting to share. And heaven forbid I actually take a picture with my camera. So I don't even having anything to show you!
I have been working hard to get my 16 observation hours done. Should finish up tomorrow.
British Lit is a butt kicker. I read Frankenstein this weekend. Took my test. I have to write 1600 a week on a discussion board. And have a 1000 word paper over a poem due on Friday. Have I started that yet. Oh no!
Leland and Jordan left for church camp this week. They come home Wednesday. Thursday we leave for Fuller Family Fun. I'm not feeling very fun this year. I'm not sure I'm going. I know there's always got to be a pooper in the party. I'm not really a camping lake girl. So the thought of heading the the lake to camp for 4 days is not really something I'm looking forward to. We'll see how much of that paper I get done.
Well I have some poems calling my name. Who knew British lit meant hours of reading poetry. Didn't anyone write books back then?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I'm gonna take a picture tomorrow and actually post it! Don't everyone get too excited about this now:)

1 comment:

creasa said...

Whoa! You have a blog? Have you been here all along. Been thinking about you. Miss you.