Sunday, January 14, 2007

This is what it looks like at my house right now. Gross huh? Why can't it just snow? No it has to be ice. That white stuff may look like snow but it's ice. You can't even make a foot print in it. This started Friday and wont be done until Monday. Monday was supposed to be a make up snow day. Now we don't have school again. We are just thankful we have electricity. 90% of Springfield has none and most of the surrounding area is out.
While Makayla was making breakfast this morning she passed out. We arrived at Urgent Care at 10am. WE got home from the ER at 5pm. What a long day! Still not sure whats wrong. We know it's not blood sugar, thyroid or electrolytes. They are calling it Superaventricular Tachycardia. I think that's what they call it when they don't know what to call it. She goes to the Heart Dr Friday. She is most BUMMED about no sports until then. So please pray for her. And pray that this is a one time deal and they find nothing wrong. I'll keep you up-to-date.

1 comment:

Chrissy King said...

Eeee. How scary. I hope the doctors can figure out quickly what is going on. Will be praying about that!!

ps-- Sorry about the ice-- maybe you should come see me and we can head to the beach or something!! :o)