Monday, February 23, 2009

How God must feel about me...

If the only child we had was Makayla we would still be very busy. She is one of those kids who always has something going on. Things just seem to be complicated with her. She definitely didn't come with a book. When she gets her tonsils out she is the one in a 500,000 chance that they will hemorrhage and she will need emergency surgery at 4am. I tease her all the time about life with her being like 50 First Dates....
So today should have been no surprise to me.
Within 72 hours of having her drivers license she has had her first wreck. I could go into all the details but... well it doesn't matter. She was at fault and I thinking having to set in front of school talking to a police officer as everyone arrives for the day is probably punishment enough.
I've thought a lot today about how hard it is to be Makayla's parent. I love her. I want the best for her. But she just keeps me busy. I've always got to be thinking 10 steps ahead of her. Maybe thats how all parents feel with their first kid. Parenting Makayla is a race. It's been fun. There have been some great times. There have been some not so great times. While I was thinking about this I began thinking about my relationship with God. I am sure I am God's Makayla. I am sure there have been good times. I am also positive there have been some not so great times. He always wants the best for me. He always loves me. I probably keep Him hopping. He is busy staying one step ahead of me all the time... How lucky am I to have a Heavenly Father who loves me?


Tammy and Van said...

Don't you love the moments when God so clearly teaches us about His love, His heart and His care!

cLOVErs said...

Amen to the first kid thing! I have one of those! Paul wants details on the wreck...