Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stop the hormonal roller coaster....

PLEASE! Oh how I wish I could stop this roller coaster of emotion. I am married to this man who is constant. He is pretty much low maintenance. He is the same most days. How nice must that be to wake up in the same mood you went to bed. He is pretty simple...and I don't mean that in a bad way... I just mean that he is not confusing. He doesn't require much work. Just give him something fun to do and feed him while you are doing it and he is a very happy man. Oh how I wish I could be like that. I've got to fret over what will be served to eat, what time will we eat, while we are waiting what will we do, will everyone be happy doing that, what if one person can't participate, should we still go with that plan, we should probably have a back up plan..... on and on and on and on. If I am making myself this crazy I can not even imagine what I am doing to those around me.
THEN... well let's throw in some hormones. Today its ok for the kids to be loud... but tomorrow I'm not in the mood for it. Tomorrow it is ok for them to not call and tell me where they are because I understand that you loss track of time... but the day after that... well watch out!
Do I want to be happy one day and not able to control my feelings of frustration the next? Well absolutely not! I want to wake up in the same mood I feel asleep in... that is if it was a good mood that day! I do not want to be sad when I have no idea what I am sad about... or overwhelmed when I logically realize it will all work out.
I love a good roller coaster.... but I've got to get off the hormonal roller coaster!

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