Wednesday, August 05, 2009


We were in New Buffalo Michigan. The weather was perfect and we had a great time. It was so good to get away. We are over booked, over scheduled, and over stressed. It was nice to go away and not have a schedule to keep. We sat on the beach for 10 hours on 2 days and would have stayed just as long on the 3rd day but it rained in the afternoon.

This is an example of what you don't want to see on the beach. LADY put your shirt back on! We did have a good laugh and I took a picture just because I didn't think anyone would believe me.

Hannah did not want to get fried like she did in Destin so she was very good about protecting her face.

Makayla on the other hand can not get enough of the sun!

Boys dig hole on the beach.... it's just what they do. These 2 yahoos even reach water!

This is the best one we got.... everyone was done with pictures by this point. I can't wait until Jordan grows up and has kids of his own who wont corporate! I REALLY thought we were past that stage... guess not!

And if that last one was hard this one was even harder... 7 people... its hard for everyone to keep their eyes opened!

Hannah did not want a sunburn the first day we were there.

You are such a goober Jordan... sure you'll take a picture now but how about later?
Makayla is trying to get her summer reading book read... Shepherd of the Hills... really? How boring!

Oh how I love to see to see that lighthouse! More pictures to come... this was just off one camera... we had 3 of them going!

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