Friday, March 02, 2007

These were the clouds that I looked at as I drove down the street today. I was amazed at how blue the sky was. It has been a while since I have seen such a blue sky and the clouds just popped off. The kids even notice the clouds. Makayla said she wanted to lick them. Hummm, maybe I wouldn't go that far.
I love the verse for many reasons. It is proof that their are gifts. I know there are, I have received them. But to have God say they are from Him. And that they are good and perfect. And they came straight from Him. But the second part of the verse talks about the stability of God. I need stability. I love a plan. I thrive on a plan. And for the last year I have felt the winds of change a blowing. A whole year of change. I have been kicked and screamed and cried my way through the year. But I never doubted that God was there and He NEVER changes. He is nearly the only thing that hasn't changed in the last year.
Life is full of lessons. I am positive this last year has been a lesson. I'm still not sure what the lessons are that I'm supposed to learn. But I'm totally open to learning them. I'm watching for them. I am excited to see what God is doing. What will life be like after all this change.


Chrissy King said...

Change is hard. So true. Some days I have to cling to knowing God is in charge because I can't for the life of me seem to be able to figure out where He is taking things!! I keep hoping someday I can look back and thing will make a bit more sense!!

Hang in there my friend. Still miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, hang in there...and for what it's worth, I'm still here.