Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wasting a perfectly good day....

It is beautiful outside.... we have a ton of chores to be done.... and I'm doing laundry and reading a book. The book reading makes the laundry doing less painful! I am about to make a confession and I am fully aware that this confession will make you shake your head and wonder about me... 2 Wednesdays ago I started keeping track of how many loads of laundry I do. The grand total is 34 so far.... is that crazy? I think that is too much laundry!
Now on to the book.... ok I LOVE to read. I don't have time to do it very often anymore. Makayla started reading a book. Leland and I about fell over. She has never read a book before unless there is a grade somehow attached to it. I was not very excited about her choice.... It was Twilight. I'm sure you've heard of it. She has now started the 3rd book. She is cranky when she is reading it. So I decided it was time I check it out. I started at 10pm last night. I layed it down at 3am and finished it this afternoon. It was ok. It was an easy read. The teacher in me was excited to see there were some words I had to look up in the dictionary. I am all over the idea of expanding your vocabulary. I'm not addicted to the books. I didn't get cranky. But I can see how a teenager would eat this story up. Young love... them against the world... you can be anything you want to be... There has been a lot of talk among the mothers at school about this book. I'm not sure if I would recommend it... probably wouldn't. But what do you do with 16 year olds? In 2 years she will be gone... making her own decisions. So I guess I'll be happy she is reading... expanding her vocabulary.... and I'll be reading the next 3 books in the series.Just a little Thanksgiving humor.....:)

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