Thursday, April 23, 2009

Humm just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel...

they move the tunnel. Ha!
The end of the year busy season is on. Parties, field trips, test, papers, baseball, wrapping up volleyball, staying lighter at night which means its harder to get kids to bed... You know that time of year right?
I am supposed to be working on a paper for next week since we will be gone all weekend to KC for volleyball regionals. But... with 3 drivers in our house and only two cars you can not always count on your car being home. And I was not smart enough to grab my school bag out of my car before it went to boy scouts. So now I'm wasting some time.
I have a stack of forms to fill out. Hannah is walking in a Payne Stewart walk Saturday and needs a form. Jordan and Hannah both have field trips coming up and they need forms filled out.... and don't forget to add a check to all those forms by the way! Oh and summer camp sign ups need to be turned in ASAP.
Tomorrow is our last grandparents day at school. Jordan will be in middle school next year. How is that possible?
This will be a busy weekend. BUT... I think it will get better after Sunday. I am really winding down at school and we wont have anymore volleyball practices.. for a month anyway.
I'm going to make an attempt to at least act like on working on the paper for 40 more minutes... Greys Anatomy will be on one of the two channels that we still have. I sure am glad it's almost summer and we don't watch much TV in the summer. I might be having withdraws otherwise. I'm still not sure if we are going to buy the converter or try and live like those who eat tofu. haha... if you eat tofu I'm sure you are not reading this blog!

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