Sunday, October 12, 2008

It was a good weekend...

The toilets are clean, the laundry is caught up, the dogs have had a bath, the house is reasonably clean (anyone who has kids knows it is nearly impossible to have every room clean at one time), car is washed, homework from last week caught up, made a yummy lunch for my grandma’s birthday, and the yard is being mowed right now, all in all a pretty productive weekend. We had Cougar Run on Friday, Joplin homecoming football, school carnival yesterday, Makayla even had a couple of friends over, and Jordan’s football game last night.

I didn’t get to the scrapbooking, maybe tonight….

What really cracks me up about this picture isn't the fact that they are in the dog house but look at Makayla's knee. At what point will that girl not have skinned knees all the time? She is almost 16 years old. Her knees always look banged up:)
Jordan is #85. He is the first one in the line that is kneeled down.
I think he was mad about something. He was the only one standing there. He was watching the game but he did not look very happy.
That's Leland in the foreground. I have no idea what he does but he gets to wear a coaches shirt while he is doing it:) I really do have 3 kids. I have no idea where Hannah was during all these picture taking opportunities. I'll dig some up of her and get them posted.

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