Saturday, January 31, 2009

The month is over? No way...

Can you believe how fast this month went by? We spent the day getting Makayla ready for another formal event. This time it is winter banquet at her school. No dancing! We all know what that leads to!!!! HA! HA! Anyway... same dress as last time but a new hair do. I really like what she did this time. She kept it pretty simple. So in 45 minutes this boy I have never meet is going to come to my door and take some pictures. Then he is going to put my baby in his car, drive away with her and not bring her back until midnight. This sounds strangly like a date... does it sound that way to anyone else? Hummmm... I'm not sure how I feel about this. Ok thats a lie. I know exactly how I feel about this. I don't really like it. When did she go a grow up on me? Why is it so daggum hard to let go of these people who drive you crazy?

When we got home we found the rest of our family playing a little game of knock out. Jordan won! Can you believe it is 60 degrees here today? See the snow still on the ground? It is so beautiful outside. Well I'll post some more pictures later tonight...

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