Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Watcha been up to?...

I'm so glad you asked! HA! I have been working. It's been a long time since I have worked more than 4 hours a week. But it's been fun. I hope when I work full time I can say the same thing!
I have been running kids to practice. Makayla and Hannah are playing volleyball. Games haven't started yet but they are practicing. Hannah and Jordan are playing basketball. Again practice for Jordan and Hannah has practice and games. I said we would not do this again.... but yet here we are. January-March are really a blur around our house. The girls have practice in Carthage so it is time in the car and 2 evenings a week not at home. I really enjoy watching the kids play but the practices are KILLING me.
I have been trying to wrap my mind around heading back for another semester. I'm not there yet and I only have 4 days to get ready. I did pick up my books. I really need to get a paper writen for my potfolio. I wanted to have that done before school started back. I just have not been in the right frame of mind. Now I'm not sure I will get it done.
I have been reading The Cure for the Common Life (this is a link by the way). What a good book. Max Lucado was born to write. He can tell a story like to other. There are so many good quotes from the book:
"You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be."
"God packed you on purpose for a purpose."
"God endows us with gifts so we can make Him known."
"His design defines your destiny."
"You are the only you God made."
"If you aren't you, we don't get you. The world misses out."
"God never called you to be anyone other than you."
"See your desires as gifts to heed rather than longings to suppress."
"Live your life, or it won't be lived."
I'm only on chapter 4. I don't normally mark up books but I am seriously considering taking a pen to this book. I want to learn to live in my sweet spot!

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